Invoicing and Reporting Guide

Invoicing and reporting on the Bolt platform depends on your registered entity:

  • Private entity: you are registered and operate in your personal capacity
  • Business entity: you are registered and operate as part of a business or fleet.

At the end of the week, you will receive an email from Bolt with your weekly report and invoice:

  • As a private entity, these documents are sent to your registered email address.
  • As a business entity, you will receive a collated document for all the couriers in your company.

Important info for fleet couriers: If you are part of a fleet company, you will not receive this document. If you have any questions about your earnings, please contact your fleet administrator to enquire about this. 

Weekly Report

Check the explanation below of the sections and elements on the report. 


The completed deliveries for the week are itemised. Each is followed by the correlating earnings information:

  • Invoiced to client: fee paid by the customer for the delivery
  • Marketplace fee:
    • The fee is distributed by Bolt as part of the delivery earnings to ensure that you are compensated correctly for the completed delivery
    • For example, if the minimum earning threshold is 130, but the delivery fee paid by the client is 110, the marketplace fee will be 20 to sum up your total earnings for the delivery.
  • VAT: service tax (relevant only for VAT registered couriers)
  • Total: earnings made from completing the delivery i.e. invoiced to client + marketplace fee - VAT

Each daily entry is separated by a grey block that contains your daily total earnings. 

Weekly totals

At the end of the invoice, you will see the combined sum of the week’s performance in the Weekly totals section. 

This final figure is your weekly payout, which will be issued to you if it is above the payout threshold. 


Note: This report doesn’t include payments received from you or payouts made to you during the period.

Weekly Invoice

If the courier(s) generated any additional income in the week, the total for each item is available in the invoice.

The following delivery costs can be added to the invoice: 

  • Additional delivery cost: amount invoiced by Bolt to the courier i.e. total marketplace fee.
  • Compensation: any bonuses/reimbursements received from Bolt for delivery fees, wait time and deposit returns.
  • Small order fee: fee payable by the customer for orders below the local minimum order price.
  • Adjustment: can be positive or negative for items such as - deductions, bonuses, and refunds.
  • Deposit: any deduction or addition for courier equipment i.e. delivery bag. Note: This is not applicable if you purchased your bag through a delivery bag website (Boolanga).


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