Wytyczne dotyczące marki
Welcome to our hub for Bolt brand guidelines and downloadable assets ↗. You can use this site to familiarise yourself with our brand material and how to use it.
Bolt marks include the word Bolt, the Bolt logo, Bolt Food, Bolt Market, Bolt Drive and any word, slogan, logo, or other sign that indicates the source or origin of any of our products and services.
To use Bolt marks and assets, you need a) written permission from Bolt, and b) to follow these guidelines.
To use Bolt marks and assets, you need a) written permission from Bolt, and b) to follow these guidelines.

- The Bolt marks ownership rights belong to Bolt. You can’t register or claim rights to the Bolt marks — including as a trademark, company name, trade name or domain name identical or similar to the Bolt marks.
- You can’t use the Bolt marks in a way that could be detrimental to Bolt. This includesany manner that could lead to dilution, damage to, or loss of reputation of the Boltmarks
- Depending on how you use Bolt marks, we may apply fees.

- Any goodwill derived from your use of the Bolt marks accrues to Bolt.
- You can’t change the Bolt marks in any way — including their elements and proportions.
- Zabronione jest wywoływanie wrażenia, że reprezentujesz Bolt lub że dana usługa jest oferowana, promowana lub wspierana przez Bolt.

- You can’t use other trademarks (including your own) or any visual elements in close combination with the Bolt marks. Always display your names and trademarks more prominently than the Bolt marks.
- Always include the following trademark notice in all materials: The Bolt name and logo are trademarks of Bolt Technology OÜ or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- You can’t use the Bolt marks for anything that would be contrary to Bolt’s Terms and Conditions